Aloe Barbadensis Miller. It’s a mouthful, but it’s a name worth knowing. There are around 400 species of Aloe plants found in arid regions throughout the world. They’re each beneficial in their own way, but there is only one species that has been recognized for millennia for its magically soothing abilities… Aloe Barbadensis Miller. As one of the oldest recognized botanicals, records of Aloe exist on Sumerian clay tablets from as early as 2200 BC; Aloe Vera has long been lauded throughout history for its natural soothing, cooling and moisturizing abilities. It is known for soothing minor burns, comforting and moisturizing stressed skin, and even helping to aid in your skin’s natural ability to regenerate itself. With science, innovation and our devoted research and development team, Forever is dedicated to bringing the best Aloe Vera directly to you

Aloe vera has powerful benefits that help you look better and feel better inside and out. From aiding in digestion and promoting natural energy to soothing and conditioning the skin, pure inner-leaf aloe vera gel is at the heart of everything we do at Forever.
It all begins at our aloe fields in Texas and the Dominican Republic. We control how our plants are grown and harvested. This allows Forever to produce more than 8 million gallons of the highest quality inner leaf aloe vera every year
Every aloe vera leaf we process is harvested by hand and filleted by hand to protect the plant and ensure only the highest quality inner leaf aloe vera gel is used in our products.
When it comes to the examination and processing of our naturally farmed Aloe, nothing beats hands on quality control. Like vigilant chefs in our kitchen, only the best of ingredients make it to the table. Our state of the art facility allows us to seal in the freshness within hours of harvest so the purest Aloe can be shipped to our product labs without losing any of its powerful properties!

When Rex envisioned the dynamics of what was to become Forever, one of the fundamental aspects was the ability to provide the highest quality products on the planet. Rex’s devotion to quality has never changed or been compromised. It is exactly why we will accept nothing less than 100% control of our process from planting to finished product. You’ve heard it before, but at Forever Living, “Nothing less than the best will ever do.” And that’s just the plain and natural truth. Forever Living demands nothing less than the most exemplary quality at every step of every process to insure the quality of our harvested aloe. We remain equally diligent in making sure that it arrives at our manufacturing facility in pristine form. Leaves are processed within hours in order to insure that the freshest Aloe Vera gel arrives intact with all its inherent qualities so that at no point in time are we working with anything less than the best source material on the planet. And when it comes to manufacturing our final products, you can rest assured that every single one has been just as carefully nurtured into existence with the same level of care, diligent attention and exemplary standards that we put into to every one of our so carefully tended and harvested Aloe plants. That’s the Forever Living way – that’s the Rex Maughan way.